Advanced class on LCA

8th and 9th November, 2012
Sala de Graus II. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB)

8th November 2012

9:30-10:00 Welcome and Introduction

Dra. Gara Villalba (UAB)

10:00-11:30 Consequential LCA (part 1)

Dr. Bo Weidema (AU)

Consequential LCA - myths and reality. Explanation of main difference between attributional and consequential LCA: system expansion vs allocation, average vs marginal data in LCI modelling, limitations and possibilities and  applications. 


11:45-13:15 Social LCA (part 1)

Dra. Catherine Macombe (IRSTEA, ELSA)

History of social LCA. Presentation of social LC Attribute Assessment and social LCA of Pathways. 


14:15-15:45 Input-Output LCA

Dr. Jannick Schmidt (Aalborg University)

Differences and similarities to process LCA, focus on data sources and calculus. How can IO-LCA be combined with process LCA? How can the IO-approach be used for mass flow analysis

16:00-17:30 Uncertainty Analysis (part 1)

Dr. Christopher Mutel (ETH Zurich)

Management of uncertainty in LCA, uncertainty versus variability, importance of uncertainty throughout the calculation chain, tools for interpreting and working with uncertainty, and practical examples



9th November 2012

9:30-11:00 Consequential LCA (part 2)

Dr.Jannick Schmidt (Aalborg University)

Specific examples on differences on attributional and consequential modelling, how to apply consequential modelling in different illustrative cases, e.g. modelling of electricity and indirect land use changes. 


11:15-12:45 Social LCA (part 2): Social LCA of pathways

Dra. Catherine Macombe (IRSTEA, ELSA)

Categories of Social impacts, Goal and scope in social LCA, interpretation of results, how to find pathways. 


13:45-15:15 Impact Categories

Dr. Bo Weidema (Aalborg University)

Explanation of current mid-point and endpoint categories, including methodologies and differences between categories. Guidelines for selecting the most suitable impact categories. 


15:30-17:00 Uncertainty Analysis (part 2)

Dr. Christopher Mutel (ETH Zurich)

17:00-17:30 Closing Remarks

Dr. Xavier Gabarrel (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)
Dr. Xavier Gabarrell
Dr. Joan Rieradevall
Dra. Assumpcio Anton
Dr. Carles M. Gasol
Katherine Starr
Advanced Class on LCA and Tools for Sustainability

The Advanced Class on LCA and Tools for Sustainability is organized by the Sostenipra research group, within the Ecotech Sudoe project.

Speakers: Welcome and Introduction: Gara Villalba, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. Consequential LCA (part 1): Consequential LCA - myths and reality. Explanation of main difference between attributional and consequential LCA: system expansion vs allocation, average vs marginal data in LCI modelling, limitations and possibilities and applications. Bo Weidema, Aalborg University, International Life Cycle Academy.- Social LCA (part 1): History of social LCA. Presentation of social LC Attribute Assessment and social LCA of Pathways. Catherine Macombe, IRSTEA, ELSA.- Input-output LCA: Differences and similarities to process LCA, focus on data sources and calculus. How can IO-LCA be combined with process LCA? How can the IO-approach be used for mass flow analysis. Jannick Schmidt, Aalborg University.- Uncertainty Analysis (part 1): Management of uncertainty in LCA, uncertainty versus variability, importance of uncertainty throughout the calculation chain, tools for interpreting and working with uncertainty, and practical examples. Christopher Mutel, ETH Zurich.- Consequential LCA (part 2): Specific examples on differences on attributional and consequential modelling, how to apply consequential modelling in different illustrative cases, e.g. modelling of electricity and indirect land use changes. Jannick Schmidt, Aalborg University.- Social LCA (part 2) : Social LCA of pathways: Categories of Social impacts, Goal and scope in social LCA, interpretation of results, how to find pathways. Catherine Macombe, IRSTEA, ELSA.- Impact Categories: Explanation of current mid-point and endpoint categories, including methodologies and differences between categories. Guidelines for selecting the most suitable impact categories. Bo Weidema,. Aalborg University, International Life Cycle Academy.- Uncertainty Analysis (part 2): Christopher Mutel, ETH Zurich.- Closing Remarks: Xavier Gabarrell, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.

Ecotech Sudoe

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