Workshop and Expert Mission: Sharing policy tools and best practices for sustainable municipal waste management

3 - 7 October 2016
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Santiago, Chile
The project consists of a full week of work with international experts, Adapt Chile and the Chilean Network of Municipalities for Climate Action with the goal of defining a Local Waste Management Program for Chilean Municipalities. With the support of TAIEF, the Environmental Technical Assistance and Information Exchange of the European Union, a weeklong event will bring together European policy and technical experts in integrated waste management and principles of the circular economy with technical teams from Chilean municipalities working to improve environmental management (members of the Chilean Network of Municipalities for Climate Action), and representatives from regional and national government agencies from the Environmental and Energy sectors. During working sessions and tours with the Adapt Chile team, visiting experts will become familiar with the Chilean context and concrete examples of municipal waste management systems in Chile. Experts will then participate in a two-day intensive workshop with representatives of the Network’s member municipalities, sharing their technical and policy experience and expertise to support and guide the development of a Municipal Waste Management Program for Chilean Municipalities. The week will conclude with a half-day, public event during which workshop participants, experts and Adapt Chile will discuss the results of the week and a plan for moving forward

Huella de carbono y opciones para la mitigación en la gestión local de residuos

Actividad 8: Presentación y discusión: Huella de carbono y opciones para la mitigación en la gestión local de residuos

Carbon footprint and the potential for emissions mitigation with local waste management

Xavier Gabarrell Durany

Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona


Sostenipra research group. Introduction.

Adapt Chile mediante el financiamiento de TAIEF (la Facilidad Ambiental de Asistencia Técnica e Intercambio de Información de la Unión Europea) está organizando una semana intensiva de trabajo para avanzar en la definición de un Programa de Trabajo en Gestión Local de Residuos para la Red Chilena de Municipios ante el Cambio Climático.
Del 3 al 7 de octubre, se realizarán visitas a terreno y actividades de contextualización con los expertos internacionales, talleres de trabajo en conjunto con los miembros de la Red Chilena de Municipios ante el Cambio Climático (RCMCC) y una actividad abierta a la comunidad donde se presentarán los resultados logrados durante la semana.

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